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(206) 319-9003
Message from the owner - Mikaela A Kiner
We provide flexible, stage-appropriate consulting services to help companies grow quickly while building healthy, inclusive cultures to engage and inspire employees. People Operations Consulting | Management & Leadership Development | Executive Co...
We provide flexible, stage-appropriate consulting services to help companies grow quickly while building healthy, inclusive cultures to engage and inspire employees. People Operations Consulting | Management & Leadership Development | Executive Coaching


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Reverb is a fantastic one-stop-shop resource for startups and small businesses to help with HR needs. I've relied on Reverb's support when it comes to hiring/terminating employees, creating my employee manual, and much more. Highly recommend Reverb for entrepreneurs of all kinds!
almost 4 years ago
If you are looking for an executive coach, I recommend Mikaela at Reverb People. She is brilliant!