After seeing Shauna Swerland Youssefnia recommendation, I reached out to her for some more information. They sounded like just what we needed so we went ahead. We're now on our SECOND au pair and it's been going awesome. Really helps with our two little boys, under the age of 5 - especially during this pandemic. Lauren Peiser, who's the area director for Au Pair Care is also great at being candid in her responses to our questions. Highly recommend!
we have used them for our five au pairs- they are great!
Arry Yu
Hey --- what were the questions you used to find the best Au Pairs? I just signed up because you recommended them. THANK YOU!!!!!!!! --- And Update, our Au Pair is arriving next week! :)
about 4 years ago
Arry Yu
We ended up using Au Pair Care, now on our SECOND au pair, thanks to your recommendation!