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Brittany Menestrina
over 2 years ago • Indianapolis

ABC Mouse ----- Is it really worth it?

I've been toying around with ABC Mouse for about a year now with my nephew and I simply am not seeing the benefit. I feel like when I work with him one on one it's so much more impactful? What resources do you use for your kids to help them learn? I love Boom Cards but unfortunately I can't get a teacher account since I teach at the college.
7 replies
over 2 years ago
My boys loved ABC mouse and Starfall. I actually prefer Starfall though. There is a free version but worth paying for the full version.
see - ABCMouse
over 2 years ago
My daughter learned so much with Monster Words App add we also really enjoyed our membership with, Dream box and star fall. My daughter never really took to ABC mouse but my son has really enjoyed it. I also found a stem based book that I started using with him and that has helped with keeping him engaged with one on one learning.
over 2 years ago
We loved it!
over 2 years ago
Cindy Sersig thank you! I'll check that out!
over 2 years ago
My kids love ABC mouse!!
see - ABCMouse
over 2 years ago
We liked ABCMouse! But honestly I didn't expect any online program to teach my kiddos. It provides a nice reinforcement of skills they had already acquired.
see - ABCMouse
over 2 years ago
We liked using it. When COVID shut everything down, we got it for my daughter and she really liked it and I feel like it helped her not fall behind when schools shut down and remote learning was chaotic.
over 2 years ago