I am always looking for the best day-bag as well as carry-on travel bag. Because my primary checked bag is the Osprey Fairview backpack, my primary carry on cannot also be a backpack. Hence, the Sherpani Camden which I carry as a tote either with the handles or a strap. There is a larger version that I am eyeing, too, but the Camden is a great daily bag for "real life" as well as a travel bag -- carries your laptop very nicely and has lots of room for other items, two great outside pockets, pockets inside as well as two pouches on the side for water bottles. Although it has taken me awhile to adjust to the vertical-ness of this bag, it is well-designed and I use it everyday. I've got all kinds of things in this bag --- earphones, power cords, hand sanitizer, masks, sunglasses, keys, etc -- and I can just grab and go. I am very happy with the Sherpani Camden.