Bloodworks NW
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Bloodworks NW

(800) 398-7888
Message from the owner - Linda Lowry
Blood donation is an essential activity and encouraged activity. Every day, 1k donors are needed to ensure local hospitals have blood to provide to patients. Be one of those 1k! Your next appointment will help the blood supply healthy in the comin...
Blood donation is an essential activity and encouraged activity. Every day, 1k donors are needed to ensure local hospitals have blood to provide to patients. Be one of those 1k! Your next appointment will help the blood supply healthy in the coming months. Just 10% of people eligible to donate blood do so on a regular basis. Let's change that! Most people can donate blood every 56 days. Pre-book your donations to ensure patients have the blood and fighting chances they deserve. Visit


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over 2 years ago
I've been donating blood through Bloodworks NW for nearly a decade - always a great experience!
over 3 years ago
As a unique provider of health care services for the community, Bloodworks Northwest collects, tests and distributes 90% of the lifesaving blood used in the Pacific Northwest. As a first responder to the blood supply, Bloodworks needs 1,000 donations every day to keep our community hospital blood supply at safe levels for patients in the Pacific Northwest.
Linda Lowry (Owner) - You can find your nearest Bloodworks NW Pop-up Donor Center at Every drop counts!
  • over 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
Blood Donation is an essential activity and encouraged activity. Donating blood is a safe, simple process and each blood donation has the potential to save 3 lives.
Every day 1k donors are needed to ensure local hospitals have blood to provide to patients. BE one of those 1K!
Your next appointment will help keep the blood supply healthy in the coming months. Book yours now:
recommended by Meg Hall