Peter is fabulous! He has totally relandscaped our front and backyards. They are both small spaces, and he has transformed them. He does an incredible job of bringing together the right plants, colors, and scents. He's got quite a design eye. He's also a complete pleasure to work with and has great ideas.
Peter Lavagnino is a sole proprietor master gardener/landscaper. He selected and planted all of my new landscaping. If you've ever been to the Lambda Legal Garden Party, Peter did the plants on those grounds as well.
I found Peter through recommendations from Kim Rachmeler and Amy Barker. He created and executed a plan for my front yard's landscaping, including redefining the hardscape/grass boundaries, picking a beautiful selection of plants and trees, and procuring/placing/planting them. He accommodated my budget by breaking the overall project into phases, so the work will continue into next year, but it looks great already!
Liz Pearce
The photo on the left is when the plants went in the ground in March, compared with what they looked like in August...